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Soggy Moggie


Real Name: Moggie Smith

Likes: Helping other animals. Honesty.

He was named Moggie because he is a common looking cat, just your average alley cat.
He was given the nickname Soggy by his best friend Kittykins because he is not afraid of water.
Moggie was born in the big city; he had two sisters and a brother.
Moggie is a twin and has a twin sister called Maggie.
When he was born his brothers and sister went to live with different families.
Moggie went to live with the Smith family.
Mr Smith taught Moggie how to be brave and kind.
When Moggie was grown up he decided he wanted to travel the alleys in search of adventure.
Moggie believes he can make a positive difference in the alleys.
Moggie uses his bravery and kindness to help other cats and animals.
Moggie wears the Gold Heart medal for bravery which was given to him by Mr Smith as a gift.

Soggy Moggie
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